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Richmont’s Dr. Oliver and Dr. Hill Keynoting at the Tennessee Association of Pastoral Therapy Conference

The Evangelical Purity Culture Movement (PCM) is a social movement focused on eliminating premarital sexual behavior which began in the 1990s and still continues today. This presentation will focus on the efficacy of the PCM as well as the long-term emotional, psychological, and sexual implications for women who came of age in the PCM. It will also address clinical implications for counselors and therapists working with this population, as well as suggestions for healthier alternatives to sexuality education for today’s youth.

Among those who leave religion, there are some who persist with spiritual desires for meaning and transcendent connection. Many of these “spiritually practicing” religious “dones” experience unique mental health challenges likely related to the religious trauma and social adversity they cite as top reasons for disaffiliating from religion. In this talk, I’ll discuss the challenges and possibilities for “remixed” spiritual experience among this population by setting faith deconstruction and reconstruction in a theological context and drawing implications for mental health care among this group.

Dr. Emily Oliver will be presenting on the Evangelical Purity Culture Movement and Mental Health Treatment Considerations.

Dr. Preston Hill will be presenting on Meaning and Mental Health with Religious “Dones”.


Click HERE to learn more about this continuing education event and purchase your ticket.

January 19, 2024
6:45 – 9:00 PM
(Virtual Gathering on Zoom)

2 hours CE credit