A sudden hardship can happen to anyone at any time.
The situations that cause students to require emergency financial assistance are broad-ranging — from the loss of housing to a personal health crisis to a car breaking down — and can put their entire education at risk. At Richmont it’s our calling to provide support during a time of need. So we created the Richmont Student Emergency Fund. The assistance the fund will provide is an important tool to help retain students who matter so deeply to us.
How your gift can make a difference:
How It Works
Students who are in dire financial need and who have exhausted other resources are encouraged to submit an application with supporting documentation to the Office of the Dean of Students. The Emergency Fund Committee reviews, and approves the submitted applications. They determine the appropriate funding amount if approved. Funds are distributed within an average range of $250 to $400. The Committee will consider applications requesting up to $500 for unique and unusual circumstances. Applicants will be required to meet with a staff member in the Office of the Dean of Students to discuss their application. This funding is not intended to replace or supplement existing financial aid and best of all, students will not be expected to repay this grant.