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Distance Education

Obtaining materials

  • Gain access to Richmont materials and online resources through Quick Start 
  • Request for on-campus materials to be sent to your home through Document Delivery
  • Submit an ILL Request to obtain materials that are not in the Richmont Collection

*Document Delivery (DD) includes delivering books to a patron’s home via mail (USPS) in 1-2 weeks and sending PDF scans of journal articles and book chapters. The materials that are excluded in DD are reserved books, reference books, and videos.

Library Instruction

Library instruction videos and tutorials coming soon and will be available to all students.

Live library instruction sessions include:

  • How to find scholarly sources
  • Beginners guide to citation managers
  • APA Formatting in Microsoft Word

Research Consultation

Don’t be shy in asking for help when you really need it. Schedule a Research Consultation with one of our Richmont librarians through either Zoom (online meeting room), email, or by phone.

Ask a Librarian

If you have a question that doesn’t require a research consultation meeting, send it through  Ask-a-Librarian.           We answer in 48 hours or less during semester hours.


 Even though the Richmont libraries will continue to give students the highest level of library service, there may be times when students will find it convenient to visit other libraries. In Georgia, and nearby Chattanooga, Richmont students have privileges at other Georgia Private Academic Libraries members.

If you want to be able to check out books; ask at your nearest Richmont library for a GPALS card. Many Community Colleges and state universities offer in-house access to collections, study space, and other services. Many public libraries also offer collections and services you may wish to use
