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Kevin Morton
Kevin Morton

God has sent me to Richmont to help people find the path to healing … to be a gentle ray of hope for those who struggle with addiction, marital issues, or family problems.

Kevin was not always an aspiring counselor. His original career was in route sales for a commercial food company, spending his days completing audits, traveling from retailer to retailer, merchandising product, and participating in store resets. While home, he served the church in as many roles as God gave him the opportunity to fill: worship leader, musician, and elder, to name a few. As time went on, Kevin found his heart more and more with those he served as an elder in the church, listening to church members’ battle stories, hopes for restoration, and the work of God in their lives. He felt his passion for sales waning.

Kevin found his way to Richmont through a friend, and his current mission is clear: “God has sent me to Richmont to help people find the path to healing.” Having experienced firsthand the pain of a failed marriage and long-distance parenting, Kevin believes in God’s redeeming trajectory of making “all things new,” as promised in the Bible. The future counselor wants to be a part of this larger plan, “to be a gentle ray of hope for those who struggle with addiction, marital issues, or family problems.”

In the process, Kevin is finding the community at Richmont particularly beneficial. During his internship, a fellow classmate suggested circling the wagons regularly to pray for all the interns and the clients in their caseloads. Not only that, but Kevin has built “rich connections” with other Richmont students, whom he considers “supportive, caring, and genuine” in their desire to raise each other up. Kevin sees Richmont as a place where “the practical application and preparation for counseling all people” is seamlessly blended with “Christian faith and principles.” He knows that God has sent him to this place at this time, and he looks forward with joy to the clients he will serve in the next phase of his professional life.

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