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Michele Stroud

I have worked for Buckhead Church, a campus of North Point Ministries, in Atlanta for several years and, after spending two years in an intensive bible training program for church leaders, I realized I wanted to continue delving deeper into theology, doctrine and effective methods for bible study. While my church training allowed us to study every single book of the Bible, I still felt a bit of a void and wanted to keep learning more. Then, when Dr. Leland Eliason, Dean of Richmont’s School of Ministry, spoke at one of our staff meetings, I knew Richmont’s program was exactly what I was looking for, particularly because of the three distinct yet united ministry tracks.

First, the theological track has helped me connect the Old Testament with the New Testament and the bible has really come alive for me. It amazes me how intertwined the entire bible is from start to finish. Taking these classes has opened my eyes to how awesome God is in how he wrote the Bible! Second, the leadership portion of the degree has been beneficial as I am an introvert. Our first leadership class pushed me to think about what I am truly passionate about. These exercises were so enlightening and they helped me to discern more of who God created me to be and what he is calling me to do. I didn’t know I had such a strong passion for working with and serving women! Finally, the emphasis on spiritual formation has helped me understand that spiritual disciplines are not just a “check off the box,” rather they are tools we use to help us grow in our faith and relationship with Christ. I now view spiritual disciplines in an incredibly positive light.

Truthfully, everything about the School of Ministry has taken me out of my shell. There are so many different types of leaders in the church and outside of the church. Not everyone is called to be “on stage.” Thanks to Richmont I am more clearly learning what kind of leader God is calling me to be.

Student Perspectives