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Richmont Partners with Atlanta-Area District Attorney‘s Office on Restorative Justice Project

Cobb County District Attorney Flynn D. Broady, Jr. announces that the District Attorney’s Diversion Program will be the first recipient of Richmont Graduate University’s new Restorative Justice Program. The funding for Richmont’s program was made possible through a $35,000.00 donation provided to establish funding for this vital initiative. The program will allow eligible diversion program applicants, who choose Richmont for counseling services, to receive counseling sessions at reduced rates. Additionally, based on a case-by-case basis, the program would completely cover the fees of those unable to pay the reduced rates.

University President Timothy Quinnan noted: “Richmont strives to facilitate spiritual growth, mental health, and relational healing with our counseling services. We are thankful for the donation which allowed us to start our Restorative Justice Program. There is a redemptive power in counseling. We hope this program will help restore hope and opportunity for the participants. People should not be hindered from the healing they seek due to monetary constraints.”

District Attorney Broady stated, “This commitment from Richmont Graduate University is revolutionary for our diversion program. It will bring equity to many people seeking the benefit of recovery and positive changes in their lives.”

For more information, see the following press release: