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Forms & Documents

All forms should be submitted directly to the Records Office unless otherwise noted within the form or description.

Forms for Current Students are also accessible through CAMS and Sharepoint. Please direct any questions to

Add/Drop/Withdrawal Form

This online form is to request a registration change after online registration has closed (generally one week prior to the start of the semester).

Petition For Academic Exception

This online form is to request permission for an exception from the Academic Dean’s Office.

Change of Program Form (pdf)

This form is used to request a change to your existing program (extension, degree change, certificate addition or deletion, etc.). Additional documentation may be required.

Request For Incomplete (pdf)

This form is used to request an incomplete for a class due to personal illness or significant unforeseen circumstances. This document will not be accepted without the signature of the class professor.

Independent Study Packet (pdf)

This form is used to request an Independent Study for a Richmont course.

Leave of Absence (pdf)

This form is used to request a temporary or one-semester leave of absence from Richmont.

Institutional Withdrawal (pdf)

This form is used to request a permanent withdrawal from Richmont.

Exception to the Withdrawal Policy (pdf)

This form is used to request an exception to the withdrawal policy based on extenuating circumstances.

Change of Address Form

This online form is used to request a change to your contact information.

Enrollment or Degree Verification Letter Request

Current students and recent graduates enrollment and degree verification is automatically reported to student loan companies each semester. This request is for urgent needs prior to the standard processing time. Email if you have questions.

ISW Registration Form (pdf)

This form is used by non-degree-seeking students enrolled at Richmont to take courses through the Institute for Sexual Wholeness. 

Petition for Financial Exception (pdf)

This form is used to request a financial exception from the Finance Office. The completed form can be submitted to the Chief Financial Officer.

Transfer of Credit Policy and Request – School of Counseling (pdf)

This packet is to be used to request the transfer of credit from another institution to Richmont.

Transfer of Credit Policy and Request – School of Ministry (pdf)

This packet is to be used to request the transfer of credit from another institution to Richmont, or from another Richmont degree to the Ministry Degree. 

Current Students